Sunday, January 3, 2010

How to remove Next Blog Bar from Blogger ?

Wanted to remove Next Blog Navigation Bar for your Google Blog,

Follow this Steps, You can easily remove the bar.

Step 1. Login into, with you login details.

Step 2. In the left top, You will find Layout Open, Click on that.

Step 3. Then click on sub menu, Edit HTML.

Step 4. Search for "]]>" in that HTML code.

Step 5. Then Before that just place this code.

#navbar { display: none; }


#navbar-iframe { display: none !important; }

Step 6. Thats it, you have done it, Great.

Hope this will help you.

Welcome to SEO My Website by Induway Technlogies

WelCome to SEO my Website.

In Todays world, What ever technology you are working and whatever services you are providing but to get lead you will always require SEO to your Services or website.

The one and one only example of marketing you can see is, He does not have any logic, even a fresh Developer can create such simple logic But the thing he has concentrate was Marketing, because of that now on internet any website or blog, even the big big MNC follow twitter and use them.

On every website you can find this sentence, Tweet me, follow me on twitter or we follow twitter.

Thus so for what you waiting for, Just get Lead in marketing with the help of Induway Technologies.